Fall Gardening – It’s Better Than You Think

There is an adage near the end of summer – “Once the tomatoes are done, gardening is over.” This is not necessarily true. Once summer is over, there is a whole world of gardening possibilities unfolding , as a fall garden can increase the amount of food you grow and improves your soil for the spring.

Advantages of fall planting

Cooler air
Temperatures drop during the fall months, but the soil temperatures stay warm from the months of summer sun. Fall gardening is cooler and the heat does not take its toll on the plants. These factors are the perfect combination for fall planting.

The cooler temperature also makes the gardening environment much more pleasant. There is no scorching sun or sweltering heat that makes being outdoors uncomfortable. Because of this, staying outdoors will be more bearable and the gardening experience will be more enjoyable.

Better rooting
During fall, the soil tends to be warm, and many plants are still actively growing roots in the more loosely packed soil. Plants will focus their energy on establishing stronger roots, resulting in bigger and fuller plants in the coming seasons.

Less watering
Fall brings predictable rainfall patterns, so the garden is guaranteed enough moisture. This consistent rainfall also means less watering for you to do. However, if the fall season has less than normal rainfall, it is important to hand water the plants, as they still need adequate moisture to survive.

Fewer pests
During the summer, many pests and diseases set up camp in the garden. Once fall sets in, most of these annoying bugs will have disappeared, and this problem will be relatively non-existent.

The need for pesticides and other pest control measures will not be as necessary, making it easier to maintain healthy plants. The plants are also less likely to suffer from fungal infections and disease that persist during the hot summer months.

Fewer weeds
As with pests, weeds that compete for light, water and nutrients in the summer, virtually all but disappear in the fall. New plants do not have that extra stress to contend with. 

The removal of weeds and application of mulch to supress the weeds will result in less weeds to contend with in the garden come springtime.

What to vegetables to plant in the fall.
While it takes longer for the veggies to mature, many of them do better in the increasingly cooler weather.

Cabbages – cabbage, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, 
Greens – kale, lettuce, spinach, arugula, Swiss chard
Roots – radishes, carrots, turnips

What flowers to plant in the fall
Planting spring blooming bulbs like tulips, daffodils and crocuses in the fall ensures a colourful display in the garden when the weather warms up.

Fall is also an ideal time to plant perennials, which will benefit from the cooler temperature and increased moisture that will allow them to establish strong root systems before the winter.

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